I read my first Gerald Seymour novel, Harry’s Game, back in 1987. I was specifically looking for a thriller writer who wrote exciting stories set in the real world with plots that were not far-fetched. As it turned out Gerald Seymour fit the bill perfectly.
I gradually made my way through his back catalogue of novels (then eight books) plus A Song In the Morning which was just newly released in paperback. I was particularly impressed with Kingfisher, Archangel and In Honour Bound and they remain firm favourites of mine. In particular I felt that In Honour Bound could have been written specifically for me.
It was a long wait until October 1988 when the tenth novel, At Close Quarters, came out in paperback. In hindsight I’m not sure how I managed to resist buying the hardback and getting to read the book a year earlier.
From the publication of Home Run in 1989 and onwards I have bought the hardbacks as they have come out. I know in advance that each title will prove to me one of my reading highlights of the year. I think there are few authors you could say that about.
I started this web page back in 2000 and in it you will find my thoughts on each of the novels with some scans of cover art.
Disclaimer: I am not Gerald Seymour, nor do I represent him, his agents or his publishers. I’m just a fan of his excellent thrillers.