Final six novels added, and reissue news

I’ve added the final six novel pages to the WordPress platform. Phew.

Holding the Zero

The Untouchable

Traitor’s Kiss

The Unknown Soldier

Rat Run

The Walking Dead

A quick look at tells me that Hodder Paperbacks are reissuing five Gerald Seymour titles on 23 May 2013.

The five titles are Harry’s Game, The Unknown Soldier, The Fighting Man, Condition Black and The Waiting Time.

There are no cover images yet but hopefully they will match the other Hodder books.

New look site!

Lately I’ve been moving the Gerald Seymour site over to a WordPress platform and gradually putting the page content and images onto the new pages. As time goes on I’ll move all content over.

Today I’ve also scanned in seven of the “black” Fontana covers from the late 1980s and I’ve added those covers to the appropriate pages.