The Best Revenge is a significant book as it marks the 40th thriller by Gerald Seymour. It’s also the fourth Jonas Merrick novel.
There are two main plot strands. Jonas has been moved to the China desk of MI5 where he has identified an undercover Chinese intelligence agent who is living and working in England.
The agent is cultivating sources and now has his sights set on a young University graduate who is researching alternatives to using GPS to guide missiles. This is sought after knowledge which could aid China in an eventual invasion of Taiwan. Jonas has a plan to blow the agent’s cover in order to secure his defection.
Meanwhile the Russian GRU are ordered to uncover the man responsible for the deaths of two of their agents (see The Footsoldiers) and carry out his assassination. They interrogate MI6 defector Frank who gives them the name they want. Part of their plan is to use Bengal (from In At The Kill) who is currently languishing in prison.
This is another entertaining page turner. I particularly liked how characters and situations from the previous Jonas Merrick books are woven into the narrative. As always it culminates in a page turning climax.
As a side note I have to admit I feel sorry for Frank and her situation and I hope we meet her again under better circumstances.